Career Management
Programmes supporting
career management processes
RIGHT CAREER is a trusted advisor and partner in development. See opinions about us on our website and Linkedin profiles
Outplacement is a group of various services that aim at supporting an employee who needs to be dismissed. Their goal is to help the worker feel at ease in the job market and search for new employment.
The programme may consist of a few elements of the service offered to the employee being dismissed, e.g.: trainings, assistance in the preparation of their CV, psychological help, individual consultations, support in searching for job offers, negotiations and support in career management in a new organisation.
Right Career sees outplacement as a programme that enables an employee to regain their strength, self-esteem and willingness to act after they have lost their job. Together with a consultant, a Participant identifies his or her potential and successes as well as composes an efficient CV and a new strategy to apply in the job market.
Each Participant can feel safe with us. Working with a consultant is not only based on coaching, but also on identifying an efficient way of reaching a particular goal and providing the Participant with up-to-date knowledge about the market and the current trends as well as with the experience that comes from the multiple similar cases of careers that we have been supporting. With our help, 70% of the Participants of our programmes get promoted. We are the only organisation that is so efficient in supporting 50+ and 60+ employees.
Right Career’s outplacement programme is a journey inside yourself. It is a process of change and an investment which translates to a better job, a higher position and salary as well as the feeling of fulfilment in our professional career. The Participant’s involvement and cooperation is necessary for the outcome of the programme to be successful.
Outplacement also means comprehensive support for an employer during the implementation of difficult changes, e.g.: preparing a strategy of dismissal, communicating changes, providing training for managers, maintaining results during employee offboarding or while closing an organisation.
An outplacement programme can function as an ideal motivational programme when an organisation is about to cease its operations and the management want it to work efficiently and bring results until the very end. In order for it to happen, the programme needs to be well-communicated, of high quality and innovative as far as the solutions offered to the dismissed employees are concerned.
individual Outplacement
It is a programme offered by an employer and dedicated to an employee who has been affected but a restructuring process. Any worker can participate in such a programme.
An individual programme is a tailormade set of services, which can include: psychological support, trainings or workshops concerning the job market, support in composing a winning CV, individual consultations, support in searching for job offers and help in devising an efficient recruitment strategy. The programme is frequently defined by a number of months during which assistance is provided to its Participant (e.g.: 1M, 3M, 6M or 12M). The aim of the programme is to find a new job that meets a Participant’s expectations and aspirations or to establish a private business. RIGHT where you aspire!
The key to the programme’s success is its quality and a possibility to adjust to a particular situation and each Participant’s needs. It is not based on mass solutions. In Right Career we believe that each person is unique. Our experience shows that what is good for everyone is not necessarily good for a particular Participant. In this ever-competitive job market, we need to stand out and not act like every other candidate using the same solutions.
A strategy applied by thousands of people will not help us stand out in the job market. Our strategy must be unique and tailormade. The Right Career team will ensure it!
Participants in the Right Career’s programme:
* regain their strength and self-esteem
* are given a possibility to consult a licensed psychotherapist
* learn how to manage stress in difficult situations and take care of their health
* prepare a strategy of returning to the job market
* compose a winning CV, which successfully attracts employers’ attention in the job market in Poland and abroad
* prepare their strategies for and profiles in social media, e.g. Linkedin
* are given an opportunity to practise their job interviews
* learn how to give a sales presentation of themselves during a job interview
* plan their activities in the job market
* are given a possibility to consult each of their actions during a meeting with their leading consultant
* create a career development plan and learn how to project their image in a new organisation
* know how to build an efficient strategy when change happens
is a programme offered by employers to a larger group of employees who have been affected by a restructuring process. The programme is dedicated to all employee groups. An offer of group outplacement services most frequently includes: trainings (e.g. aimed at improving professional qualifications of dismissed employees), workshops concerning the job market or establishing a private business/start-up, individual consultations, searching for job offers by a market consultant or creating a job centre.
In our view, the key to the success of the group programme is preparing efficient made-to-measure solutions for a particular group of dismissed employees.
Prior to the start of the programme, we thoroughly examine the group and suggest innovative solutions. In this way we can guarantee that the Participants will not feel the difference in quality: the group programme is delivered in accordance with individual recommendations for the final Receiver.
Participants in the Right Career’s programme:
* regain their strength and self-esteem during workshops and teamwork
* learn how to cope with difficult emotions connected with the dismissal
* learn how to manage stress in difficult situations and take care of their health
* prepare a strategy of returning to the job market
* compose a winning CV, which successfully attracts employers’ attention in the job market in Poland and abroad
* prepare their strategies for and profiles in social media, e.g. Linkedin
* are given an opportunity to practise their job interviews
* learn how to give a sales presentation of themselves during a job interview
* plan their activities in the job market
* create a career development plan and learn how to project their image in a new organisation
* in the framework of individual consultations adjusted to their needs, they may also be given advice on various areas, e.g.: own business, sales strategies, composing an offer, etc.
Right Career is a trusted advisor and a partner in development. Check opinions about us on the website and Linkedin profiles.
Executive Outplacement
Executive Outplacement is an individual programme dedicated to managerial staff. It is equipped with a wide spectrum of support tools ranging from career coaching by a dedicated coach, through a workshop offer and support in searching for a new job or cooperating with a human resources consulting agency to access to tests, e.g. StrengthsFinder by Gallup.
The programme is made-to-measure and adapted to the needs, the current market situation and the specificity of the manager’s job. Right Career’s personnel is adequately qualified to work with Top Executive profiles and have gained their experience working for the market leader in the recruitment of high-profile candidates Egon Zehnder.
A manager in the Right Career’s programme:
* builds an efficient and unique job search strategy both for the Polish and foreign markets (100% of the managers we helped have found a new job; 70% of them have been employed on higher positions; we have been successful in the outplacement of 60+ candidates)
* receives innovative ideas on how to compose a CV and create an image in the media that will help them achieve success (done by means of an analysis of the manager’s profile, their successes and the job market situation)
* builds a strong network of contacts in the business environment and in the area of human resources consulting agencies
* receives continual support of renowned experts, e.g. Zuzanna Celmer or an Executive Consultant, in their job search and in strategic preparations for job interviews
* receives up-to-date knowledge about the job market in their business area of interest
* has a possibility to get legal advice while negotiating a new contract or a remuneration package (depending on a programme)
* plans his or her career for the nearest future
* receives support while joining a new organisation
* programmes that last 12 months or longer offer a possibility to receive career support also by the manager’s partner.
Right Career is a trusted advisor and a partner in development. Check opinions about us on the website and Linkedin profiles.
Benefits for the employer that come from
using Right Career’s
* easier negotiations during an employee offboarding process
* corporate social responsibility for 50+ and 60+ employees
* positive employer branding that matters for the employees leaving the organisation, staying with the organisation and those we want to attract to join it
* a possibility to maintain good business results until the last day (while closing departments, offices or organisations and when we want to transfer knowledge to other branches in the country or abroad)
* positive PR within the organisation
* positive image in other parts of the company, also in other countries
We are the only organisation in the market that provides both outplacement and inplacement services. Inplacement means supporting and managing a career in a new organisation and is a service dedicated mainly to managerial staff. With the help of their vast business experience, our consultants support managers in the preparation of their strategy for the first six months of work, building their image in the new organisation and managing that image. We accompany managers in the most stressful key moments: during their first few months of work, and make sure they perfectly fit in to the organisation. We have been cooperating with a famous actor, Michał Zieliński, who supports managers in the process of creating their image and teaches self-presentation (a.i. works on voice projection) to our Participants.
Self-confidence and voice are crucial components of success in a manager’s career.
We have over ten years of experience cooperating with high-level managers (presidents and vice presidents of global organisations). We have guided hundreds of them through change leading them to promotion and self-realisation in new workplaces.
this area of our business is
supported by well-known experts
Benefits for Participants in the programme:
Buisness Coaching
Business Coaching offered by Right Career is a serviced based on individual support in the process of achieving business goals dedicated to managers, employees and business owners.
Possible benefits of Right Career’s coaching:
• coping with difficult changes in your professional life
• building relations with your superior and work environment
• efficient relation and communication building
• developing the competence of a sales presentation of yourself and your achievements
• learning how to efficiently manage stress
• improving the quality of your life
• exercising your full potential
• identifying talents
• coping with a professional career crisis
• improving your professional situation
• building your image and personal brand
• building your ability to act and your self-esteem
• striking the right balance between your professional and family life
• building another professional pillar
• preparing to establish your own business
for an organization
* Efficient and smooth process of change in an organisation
* Increased effectiveness of a manager’s/team’s work
* Better results
* Burn-out prevention
* Improved manager’s image and PR in an organisation
* Improved communication and team-working skills
We offer comprehensive support in preparation for restructuring and conducting difficult changes.
We offer support to Organisations in the following areas:
* preparing a communication plan including processes, steps and actions to be taken before the announcement of changes, during changes and after they have been conducted (Q&As)
* holding talks with trade unions, clients, business partners, the media and so-called opinion leaders
* media and/or public speaking trainings for people communicating changes
* individual consultations connected with managers’ behaviour/image and workshops for managerial staff on how to communicate dismissals
We support organisations through trainings for managerial staff on how to conduct the process of employee dismissal, during which managers learn how to cope with stress, which is an inseparable part of such a process. During the training sessions we conduct simulations and practise various scenarios. Managers learn how to handle the difficult conversation with an employee or employees who have been affected by the process of change.
Benefits of Right Career’s support in the process of conducting difficult changes for an employer:
* composing a comprehensive set of elements supporting employees which are to be offered to them by the company
* preparing presentations to be used at meetings
* preparing Q&As concerning the communication of changes (for the managers involved in the process)
* preparing all written documents: information for employees, information for managers, reactive and proactive press releases
* planning “first help” activities
* participating in the communication process
* preparing and conducting communication to employees concerning the support from our outplacement programme
While conducting communication processes, Right Career cooperates with communication experts and lawyers specialising in labour law.
Workshops for managerial staff in the scope of communicating redundancies.
We support organisations through trainings for managerial staff on how to conduct the process of employee dismissal, during which managers learn how to cope with stress, which is an inseparable part of such a process. During the training sessions we conduct simulations and practise various scenarios. Managers learn how to handle the difficult conversation with an employee or employees who have been affected by the process of change.